August 2013 - BethMayBlogs | Beauty and Lifestyle Blog
Back to School

Back to School Series #4: Whats in my Emergency Make-up Bag

  This time last year I shared what I call my 'emergency bag', a bag that contains what I feel are health and beauty essentials that could help me in any minor emergency. Obviously this couldnt help me with every emergency out there but hopefully by carrying this around with me I shall be prepared for modt beauty/health dilemmas! What I carry: Halo...

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Back to School

Back to School Series #3: Sixth Form Clothing Haul (Missguided, Primark and New Look)

A few weeks ago I posted a clothing haul from my trip to Manchester and its seemed to be a great hit so this time, as part of my BTS series, I thought that I would share my latest clothing and footwear purchases from Missguided, Primark and New Look that I plan to use for Sixth Form. When I saw Missguided had free...

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Back to School

Back to School Series #2: Shopping my Stash- Back to School Natural Makeup Edition + FOTD

Last year I wrote a special edition shopping my stash and it ended up being one of the most popular posts out of all in my Back To School Series so I thought by doing one again this year that it would give me a good excuse to try and condense my current makeup down in hope that i'll be able to do...

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Back to School

Back to School Series: #1 Stationary /School Supplies Haul + My New School Bag

    Although technically speaking you could say otherwise, ( I'm not going to count my clothing haul a few weeks back!) today I am going to restart my back to school series that  proved quite popular  last year and start my final countdown before my 15 weeks of summer  ends and I start as a sixth former! I have a couple of...

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Best & Worst MAC Products: My Top 5 Mac Make-up Products

Mac is one of my favourite, if not my favourite, make-up brands so I love trying new things from the brand and in doing so I have come to find my favourites and it is these that I have managed to condense down into my Top 5 that I am sharing with you today. Mac Face and Body MAC Face and is body...

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Not a Rave Review

Worth the Hype? Rimmel Apocalips in Apocaliptic (Not a Rave Review #10)

Late to the band wagon again, I recently picked up the Rimmel Apocalips in the shade 'Apocaliptic'. I honestly don't know what was coming over me picking up the brightest shade from the range and the one that suits me the least but nevertheless I thought that I would review the uber-hyped lip laquer. Dissapointingly,  I cannot get this to work for me....

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BB Cream

Pure BB Cream - Light | Blemish Balm Review

Pure BB Cream Review Is this budget BB cream worth a try? Read to find out ...With the short bursts of hot weather that keep disappearing as quickly as they appear, I recently switched my Mac Face and Body for something even lighter, a BB cream. Reaching into my Muji drawers I pulled out my Pure BB Cream, hoping for a long lasting...

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NARS Zen Blusher Review (Not a Rave Review #8)

Nars Zen Blusher Back at Christmas  I very kindly received Nars Zen Blusher from my Auntie and up until recently I hadn't reached for it much as I had been using other things so lately I have been forcing myself to use this as otherwise it has just been gathering dust in my drawer. Is Nars Zen Blusher worth the hype?Nars Zen is a...

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BethMayBlogs Awards

Mid-year Makeup Favourites (2013)

Hello! Seeing as we are way over half way through the year I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to share my current favourite products in a new series that I want to introduce on here which is the BethMayBlogs Beauty Awards which I plan to do every 6 months or so - definitely at the start of every new year -...

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Makeup Brushes

A Dupe for the Beauty Blender? - H&M Beauty Sponge Review

The beauty blender sponge has always been on my radar, like most over-hyped things, but if you know me you know i'm tight and spending £20 on a sponge that I may not use seemed like a big waste of money so I decided to opt for H+Ms alternative that cost me a fraction of the price, £1.99. Where I can't compare this...

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Back to School

Back to School College Clothing Wishlist and Outfit Ideas

There is nothing better when feeling tired and run down on a Monday afternoon than to browse the internet and add things to your mental wishlist, especially when you can use excuses such as going on holiday or needing new clothes for college to approve of your online spending, so that is exactly what I did yesterday. What came in perfect timing of...

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Mini reviews

Mini Reviews: Max Factor Masterpiece Max Mascara, Urban Decay Lip Gloss, Barbara Daily Blusher, Rimmel Complexion Perfection and Technic Natural Lashes

(TOP:Naked Lipgloss, BOTTOM: Dusk Blusher)   Hello! There are many products in my collection that I reach for often but bypass doing a review despite loving them or using them as part of my daily routine so I thought that I would share a few of these with you today in the form of mini reviews. Max Factor Masterpiece Max Mascara - I...

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Back to School

Sixth Form Clothing Haul: Ebay, Primark, New Look and Select

 Last Thursday I hopped on a train to Manchester with two of my good friends, Megan and Georgina , our soul aim being to purchase some clothes for Sixth Form and finding outfits "that may be good for a social" ( our catchphrase of the day!). All in all I had a fabulous day which turned out to be one of the most...

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Not a Rave Review

Soap and Glory Heel Genius (Not a Rave Review #7)

  Soap & Glory Heel Genius - £5.50 For those that read my Footner Exfoliating Sock Review you may know that I have trouble with my feet in the summer, a problem that means I mostly want to hide my feet away as they are in such a bad dry state - eeewwwww.   Not wanting to use up my Footner socks just yet...

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Top 5 Under £5: My Budget Drugstore Makeup Picks

Last Saturday the lovely Kirsty from BehindTheseClosedEyes.blogspot.co.uk let me guest post on her blog where I decided to share my Top 5 Products under £5. As I understand not all of my followers may not follow Kirsty, if not why not!?, and may not have seen the post I thought that I would share it with you today as I love the products...

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July Beauty Empties: Nivea, Burts Bees,No7, Face B4 and more

Hello everybody! Today marks the time in the month where I show you my empty goodies before happily throwing them into my recycling.  This months empties features some old favourites and ones that I have already repurchased but equally ones that I shall be leaving in the shops. Ikea Exfoliator - I don't think I have ever seen this mentioned on a blog...

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