Back to School Series #3: Sixth Form Clothing Haul (Missguided, Primark and New Look)
When I saw Missguided had free delivery I jumped at the chance to try their Sweet Deals range, ordering the off the shoulder skater dress (Mirabela Bardot Skater Dress) the Allisha Peplum Top ( definitely order the bigger size as it is very fitted on the shoulders!) and the skater skirt (Briae Value Mini Skater Skirt ). I also ordered the paisley shorts that I had seen on Suzies YT (HelloOctober )but unfortunately they didnt fit so I sent those back. Each of these were extremely affordable and my first impressions are good.
From Primark I wanted to try one of the £5 skater dresses that I kept seeing hauled so I opted for the green polka dot style, however I ended up going up a couple of sizes as the dress was very fitted, again, around the chest and shoulders and quite sheer. I also saw a couple of £4 camis that I fancied that will be perfect with my black skater skirt or the jeans from my previous haul so I opted for one floral and one black and white.
The last two items in my haul are shoes! The first pair being a pair of tan ankle boots which I have repurchased for the third time in four years as they are so comfortable and I live in them over the winter. I also bought a pair of red converse-style pumps after breaking the sandals I was wearing that day but also to walk to college in.
So that was my clothing haul! What have you bought recently? What posts do you want to see next?