Back to School Series: #1 Stationary /School Supplies Haul + My New School Bag
Although technically speaking you could say otherwise, ( I'm not going to count my clothing haul a few weeks back!) today I am going to restart my back to school series that proved quite popular last year and start my final countdown before my 15 weeks of summer ends and I start as a sixth former! I have a couple of posts in mind for this series but if there is anything in particular you want to see,do let me know below!
And what better way to start than with a haul? On Monday I took my annual trip to a local Tesco Extra ( and also WhSmiths for a couple of items) and stocked up on some of my stationary essentials for the coming school year as I now have less than a week to go and was in need of some supplies that I had used up last year so I thought I would share them with you as school supplies get most giddy with excitement and I got some great deals!
I wont go into depth of what I purchased as I hope to do an organisation post but I bought notebooks, folders, plastic wallets, pop folders, index cards, pens and highlighters. As Tescos didnt have these in stock, from WHSmiths I boughts some plastic divivders and some clear hole reinforcers.
All in all the stationary came to around £40 ( some of which was for sister) , so for the amount we got I think it was quite an affordable trip!
I also managed to get myself a new school bag on Monday. The bag cost £30 from Accessorize and is a faux leather bag in black and khaki/brown. It is incredibly roomy and has a detachable inner pocket aswell which is really handy!
What do you think? What stationary do you use at school?
Beth xx
P.S Please leave your requests for my BTS Series below!
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Clothing Haul
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