Clever Uses for Sudocrem - BethMayBlogs | Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

Clever Uses for Sudocrem


Clever Uses for Sudocrem

If you have read previous posts of mine you may have noticed me raving about Sudocrem. I also have recently seen an ADVERT in GLAMOUR that inspired me to do this post and show you how versatile this product is.

uses for sudocrem

What can Sudocrem be used for?

Cuts and scratches

With the cream containing antiseptic, this is gentle and will not sting. It also will help them heal quicker.


As summer has now arrived many will be jetting off abroad or will be spending longer in the sun. If you do get burnt this will soothe the area and try to prevent peeling.

Rough or Dry Skin

This skin is also perfect if you have small rough patches on your face or body as it will moisturise the skin and make it feel silky smooth

Shoes that rub

Like you can with Vaseline, Sudocrem can be used as an extra skin layer to reduce rubbing.

Breakouts (or ACNE)

This is the reason I repurchase Sudocrem, it can be used in small amounts on individual breakouts or layered all over an area to treat a larger amount of breakouts or acne.

What I like to do is apply this underneath my foundation during the day and apply a thick layer, to sink in, at night.

What's your top use for Sudocrem?

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