Sixth Form Clothing Haul: Ebay, Primark, New Look and Select
Last Thursday I hopped on a train to Manchester with two of my good friends, Megan and Georgina , our soul aim being to purchase some clothes for Sixth Form and finding outfits "that may be good for a social" ( our catchphrase of the day!). All in all I had a fabulous day which turned out to be one of the most successful shopping trips in a good while, finding outfits for sixth form, for my results day party in 2 weeks whilst still not being left bankrupt - I was onto a winner really! I thought that I would share my purchases on BMB here today and also throw in a couple of generic blogger buys from ebay - Enjoy!
I'll start off with ebay - the first purchase I made was actually from a few weeks ago that I hadn't yet featured and that is my 'Celine' t-shirt that I totally copied from Islay as it looked fabulous on her and I am so glad I did as this is so easy to 'chuck on' with leggings and my leather jacket and you've got your outfit sorted!
Another ebay purchase was my 'blog off' t-shirt. I love to pair oversized t-shirt with leggings as they are soooo comfy so the 'blog off' tee seemed perfect for me and seeing as it was cheaper on ebay than BooHoo ( I begrudge overpaying for delivery) I opted for ebay instead.
The next top I purchased was a Topshop Neppy Tee inspired purchase, £10 cheaper and from Select, I opted for this blue T-shirt that I can pair with my jeans
The last top I purchase was from New Look. It is a t is a burnt pink colour and goes great with jeans or will look great with a skater skirt too.
Also from select I purchased a gorgeous blue dress which I am going to wear to my results day party. It is crochet and fitted and comes to just above the knee and will also be great to wear in the winter too with tights
Select Crochet Dress - £16
From Primark I purchased two dresses, one of which I plan to wear out and the other I have already worn in the day - it is so comfy!
Primark Dresses - £10/each
The last purchase I made were my new jeans. I had tried Topshop and River Island jeans but they didn't fit me as nicely as these do. They are the new supersoft skinny range from New Look and remind me of the Molly Jeggings from RI and also the Topshop Leigh jeans so if you didn't want to part with as much cash I would urge you to check out New Look
Supersoft Skinny Jeans - £19.99
So those were my purchases from my girly shopping day! Thank you very much to Georgina and Megan for being enablers through the day and allowing me to come home with some great buys and to all of my readers, please go and check both lovely ladies out on twitter, @GeorgieeDav and @MeganJohn97.
Beth xx