A Dupe for the Beauty Blender? - H&M Beauty Sponge Review
19:00The beauty blender sponge has always been on my radar, like most over-hyped things, but if you know me you know i'm tight and spending £20 on a sponge that I may not use seemed like a big waste of money so I decided to opt for H+Ms alternative that cost me a fraction of the price, £1.99. Where I can't compare this to the beauty blender itself I will be letting you all know whether I think it is worth scrimping on this beauty sponge.
As you can see from the photograph, this sponge has a wide circle base that curves in then out to reach a point.The great thing about this design is that it makes the sponge easy to hold and you would hope that this would make it easy to use. Unfortunately, for me, this sponge is too big. For me I would like for a beauty sponge to fit into the 'crevaces' of your face, for example under your eyes or around your nose, but I find that the point is too short which makes it difficult to do so.
Using this sponge on the rest of your face however it does a great job when first soaked in cold water then rung out and used in dabbing motions to blend your foundation however expect for it to take longer than your 'average' application, for me the RT Expert Face brush, but to leave you with a 'flawless' finish that isn't streaky and is very natural looking. This way of application also allows you to build up the coverage without looking cakey.
Overall I feel that for £2 this works great as an alternative for the majority of your foundation however I find it too large to use in smaller areas of my face which means that this sponge isn't as versatile as I had liked and therefore tend to neglect this in place of my RT Expert Face or Stippling brushes.
Have you tried a dupe for the beauty blender?
Beth xx
Check out my review for my favourite Beauty Blender dupe.