June 2013 - BethMayBlogs | Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

Review: Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer

I recently repurchased this concealer whilst in Superdrug and thought that seeing as I never got round to reviewing this the first time around, that I would review it for you today! For regular readers of mine, you may have noticed 3 Mac concealers pop up in the past but despite loving these, there is still a fond place in my heart for...

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Blogging Tips

Blogging Tips #2

Back in April I wrote a Blogging Tips post that proved to be quite popular so I thought it was time to do an updated one seeing as 2 months have passed! Comment on other blogsRemove word verificationSchedule PostsPost when you canTake photos in bulk Comment on other blogs I cannot stress to you enough how annoying it is to receive 'follow for...

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Review: Nivea In Shower Body Moisturiser Skin Conditioner *

Nivea In shower Body Moisturiser Skin Conditioner The Nivea In shower Body Moisturiser is a totally new concept to me and definitely one I was intrigued to try but equally skeptical.This is applied straight after using shower gel or soap and is rinsed off immediately to reveal soft and silky skin without the waiting as it is ‘instantly absorbed'. I didn’t know what...

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May/June Empties feat Soap and Glory, Liz Earle, No7 and more

Hello! As I write this I am overjoyed by the fact that I am midway through my first full week of summer, having completed my GCSE exams and can now spend a whole summer dedicated to blogging and spending time with friends - bliss! Whilst I was revising I had become rather neglectful of my blog - especially when it comes to monthly...

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First OOTD: My Year 11 Prom ( + Prom Pictures)

As mentioned a couple of posts ago, last Friday marked the night of my Year 11 prom which meant spending the night with my closest friends and having the chance to dress up and try to look glamorous then party! I thought that a prom OOTD would be a great post to accompany my prom makeup FOTD so I thought that I would...

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REVIEW: Budget Body Butters -Derma V10 Body Butter* - Cocoa and Strawberry

Derma V10 Body Butter* - Cocoa and StrawberryDerma V10 is a brand that is mostly found in HomeBargains/Poundland and is likely to have been dismissed by many. I, however, am a bargain fiend and love to find a great quality product at a low price like I have found here! Although I have tried these body butters in the past I had never tried...

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Makeup Brushes

Makeup Storage: Ikea and Ted Baker

Hello everybody! Recently I took a sneaky trip to Ikea and found some really cute pots in the plant section which have now taken pride of place on my dressing table and I thought I would share them with you today! The pots ( I bought 2 ) came to a budget friendly £2.50 each and are now being used for my makeup...

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PROM Makeup FOTD: feat Nars, Mac, Rimmel, Urban Decay and more

As my Prom has fast approached and is TOMORROW I found myself experimenting with my makeup and  with a complete face of makeup that I thought I would share with you as a FOTD. Apart from Albertines' guest post, I have never featured a FOTD as I am not overly self-confident  but I thought that I would be brave and whilst testing how...

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Current Bathtime Favourites: Soap and Glory, No7, Ojon and more...

Lately I have noticed that I have been reaching for, and loving, a select group of products at 'bathtime' so I thought that I would share those with you today! For Shampoo and Conditioner lately I have been recently reaching for my Ojon Restorative Damage Reverse range ( which I shall be dedicating a post to) which are great for adding moisture to...

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Mini Beauty Haul: Superdrug and Home Bargains

At the start of the week I took full advantage of Superdrug's 3 for 2 on makeup offer, which I believe has now ended, to repurchase a couple of favourites and also had a couple of other recent beauty buys that I hadn't mentioned yet on here that I thought I would add to my haul and show you today. The first two...

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Instagram | BethMayBlogs

Hello everybody! I just wanted to let you know that I have been spending a lot of time on my Instagram lately which is 'BethMayBlogs'. Basically, I post all makeup and beauty on there so I thought that if you enjoy reading my beauty blog you may want to check it out. Let me know if you do in the comments and leave...

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Monthly Summary

Monday Monthly Summary (May) + Top 5 Blogposts of May + SHOUTOUTS

*Kitten* *Local Fete* *Spring* *Revision* *Last Day* Hello all its me again!Beth - the blogger that neglects her readers for revision then gives you 3 posts in a row! Today is the first Monday of June meaning it is time to summarise the goings on of May and give you my Top 5 Blogposts of May. I shall give you those now as...

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Make-up Mix Up

Monthly Makeup Mix Up: May Edition feat Mac,Natural Collection and more

I wasnt expecting to be writing my second post of the weekend today but I realised that I had these photographs in my drafts and if I left them any longer it would be too late to share my Monthly Makeup Mix- up for May with you. Seeing as I am supposed to be revising for my History exam right now I shall...

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Top Makeup Picks for Spring feat Urban Decay, Mac and drugstore products

Hello! At the start of last month I guest posted on DippyWrites about my current spring makeup products and thought that I would share it for those that don't follow DippyWrites, which you should! I will first start with my primer. I use RIMMEL FIX AND PERFECT PRO PRIMER most days as a base for my foundation, I find that this leaves a...

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