Living in UNI Halls for First Year For those of you who may not have read my last uni based post, I’m currently studying Marketing in Birmingham and I’m living in student accommodation. Now halls has its upsides and its downsides. Halls for most people, and in my case, provides the first opportunity to move out away from your family home to your...
2017 New Years Resolutions. Remember those? I feel that two months has been more than enough time to try to implement the ideals that I’d set out at the start of the year, but have I stuck to them? Today I thought I’d recap, to hopefully re-motivate myself, on the goals I made, and meanwhile inspire some of you guys to try and act...
£21 Hello! For today’s post I’m going to move away from my mini NYX review series and instead talk about skincare. More specifically, today I want to talk about my current favourite cleanser of choice. I’ve never been a fan of make-up wipes and although I will occasionally reach for a Micellar Water to take off my make-up, I’ll always gravitate towards a...