Looking back on 2020
Let's face it, 2020 wasn’t quite what we may have imagined it to be. In-between the events put on hold due to lockdown, the heartache of being separated from friends and family, not to mention the devastating loss of loved ones that many have sadly been put through in 2020, a global pandemic was something that none of us would have imagined we’d experience.In a year that exposed us to more challenges than many of us thought would be possible to face in our lifetimes, let alone during a matter of months, 2020 may not have been what we had hoped it would be, but it has provided the opportunity to learn so many different things, not least about ourselves, our priorities in life and what truly matters to us all.
Among all of the devastation and distress caused by Covid-19, this last year has offered a stage for so many amazing people to shine. Not least the key workers who have carried on, despite what's happening around them and the likes of Captain Sir Thomas Moore raising £32.8 million for the NHS.
I am so grateful that in 2020 I had the safety of home to rely on, was living with my family, and were in the comfortable position, that we didn’t have the weight of financial worries to bear.
It would be so easy to look back at 2020 and simply want to forget it, but there's always value to be taken away from each year, whether an important lesson or overall perspective.
2020 was a hell of a year, but I feel it is only right to look back on the positive achievements and highlights (however small) from the year that we won’t forget, 2020...