REVIEW: NYX Double Stacked Fibre Mascara

Happy Friday everyone! Today’s post features the second in my mini NYX review series - a review of the NYX 3 Step Double Stacked Fibre Mascara. I was intrigued by this product, not only because it of the 3 steps to its application, but also because the concept of lash fibres was one that I’d never come across, let alone tried.
The idea behind the two part system is that the mascara in the black tube, used alone, is separating and lengthening, and for me, added some curl to my lashes to give me a wider eyed look. This mascara acts as step one and is more wet in its formulation.
The 2nd step in the white tube (a shorter mascara wand with what looks like cotton wool pieces on a mascara wand) adds some volume and length. This step initially took some getting used to as I often applied too much or wasn’t careful enough with my application, meaning that I often irritated my eyes in the application process.
When applying the third step ( the black mascara on top of the fibres), you are left overall with a wide eyed, long lashed look.
By no stretch is this two step system a substitute for false lashes, but it works great for the daytime if you want to make your eyes look more awake. It wasn't clumpy at all and your lashes look longer and curled. The formulation is also long lasting on your eyes and won’t melt or smudge, like a lot of the lengthening mascaras. That said, this isn’t a pain to remove either.
Overall, I like the effect the mascara gives and it will last all day. I will say, however, that the two step process is quite time consuming and whether the end result is much different to a regular mascara is debate-able. I’ve also noticed that the formulation of the black mascara, over time, has started to dry up fairly quickly, making it more difficult to achieve the look I want, since the mascara is becoming less tacky for the fibres to stick to.
Have you tried this?
Beth xx