Aged 19, I’ve legally been an adult for over 18 months now but that certainly doesn’t mean that I’ve quite managed to get to grips with ‘adulting’. I have, however, soon come across the many struggles of being an ‘adult’ and thought that I would share some of these with you...
I think the true struggles lie in having to start doing ‘adult things’ and being treated as an adult. The most obvious difference I noticed upon turning nineteen was the £18 charge for a five minute check up at the dentist and having to pay £8.80 for a prescription. The struggle of having to pay for certain parts of health-care now is real. With being a responsible adult, you now have to be responsible for your own finances ( or at least you should.) Having a job is now necessary to fund your way, since pocket money is out of the question. A part time job now almost certainly funds your social life and the importance of checking your income against your expenses, budgeting and not splashing out on that designer handbag is deemed the ‘responsible’ thing to do. To 'adult', you must be careful with your money and putting money aside into a savings account each month is deemed a sensible thing to do.
There is an unwritten expectation that now you are legally an adult, that you’ve got to be ‘responsible’ and ‘act like one’ , whatever that means! With age comes great responsibility and as much as you may want to, it is no longer acceptable to slob around in bed all day like you may have been permitted to do in your early teen years. The magic laundry fairy won’t wash your clothes anymore and instead you are expected to keep on top of your own washing.
I still have a lot to learn about adulting; I don't yet have to pay bills and I don't have a “proper job" just yet. Starting Uni in September will come with a new set of challenges that as an adult you are expected to handle and I am excited to face these.
Is the struggle real? What struggles have you faced while ‘adulting’?
*For more tips and advice on ‘adulting’, I strongly advise checking out Credit Card Insider and their Youtube channel ( HERE ), which is a helpful resource, particularly in regards to building credit or getting a credit card, should finances become a struggle.*