September 2013 - BethMayBlogs | Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

Empties: Beauty Products I used Up in August and September

Today I thought that I was well overdue an empties post and as we are almost in October and are basically now on the countdown to Christmas ( where I try to use up as much as possible to leave room for new things!) I thought that I would show the items that are ready to chuck away and share my thoughts with...

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Review: Kokoro G Shampoo and Intensive Treatment*

Kuko was a brand that I had only ever come across on Rebeccas blog so when I was recently contacted by their PR and offered the chance to try their products, I jumped at the chance to give them a go for myself.I was sent the Kokoro G Shampoo and Restorative Treatment (Conditioner) to try.  Many of you may know that I am...

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Review: Soap and Glory Peaches and Clean Deep Cleansing Milk

Soap and Glory Peaches and Clean was a product I was fortunate to receive as part of the large gift set I received at Christmas but one that I have only recently gotten round to using due to owning far too many skin care products and finding them hard to use up. Marketted as a 4 in 1 Deep Cleansing Milk, this cleanser...

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Monthly Summary

Monday Monthly Summary: August 2013

  Before I start this months summary can we all take a moment to appreciate the fact that it is now September , which means that the rest of the year will race by and it will soon be Christmas - sorry I just had to say that. August has been a very eventful and fun month but also marked the end of my...

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Back to School

Back to School Series #6: First day of School Outfits - Help me decide what to wear!

Starting Sixth Form this year marks the first time in my 12 years of school that I am able to wear my own clothes to school, with complete free choice, and I have already hit a blank of what to wear on my first day. Being completely stumped and feeling the pressure to look good on Tuesday I thought I would share a...

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Back to School Series #5: Whats in my School Bag

Preparing for my first day on Tuesday I decided to put together my school bag and share the contents with you today as I don't know about you but there is always something important that I end up forgetting something important so hopefully I wont this time by sharing it with my readers! The most important thing for me is my pencil case....

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