Dealing with Winter Blues: Lumie Alarm Clock


As somebody who is prone to Seasonal Affective Disorder and generally despise the darkness that the winter months bring, I love my Lumie Alarm Clock.

I've had this for a number of years now and still love it as much as I did when it was brand new. Still skeptical about whether this will wake me up every morning, I use this in conjunction with my FitBit silent alarm and my iPhone alarm - not because this won’t work (this does!) but because I’m always paranoid I’ll miss my alarm and be late for work.
I’ll always set this alarm to go light five minutes before my other alarms, and if I’m not awake as a result of the gradual light of this, I am much more awake (and less grumpy/ disrupted) by the time my other alarms go of. More often than not, I have chance to turn my other alarms off before they have chance to wake me.

I love both aspects of this - the sunrise and sunset. I hate going from a harsh room/ lamp light to darkness to get to sleep, so the fact that the light fades gradually over 30 minutes means I can get to sleep in a much more relaxing way and can be reading before bed as the light fades.

This does have the option to add an audio alarm but I’ve never felt the need to switch this on. I always feel refreshed when using this as my alarm, and if I sleep away from home, I always miss not having my Lumie lamp before going to sleep and to wake up to in the morning.

Have you tried Lumie's Alarm Clock?

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