First OOTD: My Year 11 Prom ( + Prom Pictures)
As mentioned a couple of posts ago, last Friday marked the night of my Year 11 prom which meant spending the night with my closest friends and having the chance to dress up and try to look glamorous then party!
I thought that a prom OOTD would be a great post to accompany my prom makeup FOTD so I thought that I would share some Prom photographs with you today and who knows, if this is popular, you may see more OOTDs accompanying FOTDs
I thought that a prom OOTD would be a great post to accompany my prom makeup FOTD so I thought that I would share some Prom photographs with you today and who knows, if this is popular, you may see more OOTDs accompanying FOTDs
As you can see I had an amazing time and loved seeing everybody looking great, it is clear from these photos that my friends looked STUNNING! We all decided to meet up before hand and travel on a double decker bus.
If you are interested my dress is from Quiz, Bag is from Next and Shoes are from New Look. As for the make up, you will have to check out my post HERE and hair I did myself using straighteners and two hair grips, simple!
Please let me know if you enjoy OOTDs or posts full of photos like this as I love taking and sharing photographs! Also, do check out my Instagram (@BethME) for more prom photographs!
Beth x