I'm always switching my make-up storage around and am always on the lookout for other storage methods. Today I struck gold. Home Bargains ( in their seasonal aisle) a plastic cosmetic organiser, easily dupable to others on ebay and amazon. The best part ... it was £1.99!!! You'll have to get there quick if you're interested because I assume ( being in the...
Just a selection of my 2011 favourites WOW. I think you'll agree with me that 2011 has flown by, but I am now excited for the new year. As I love writing Favourites posts I thought it may be a great reference to do a Favourites of 2011, as this allows me to share the products which are likely to be repurchases of...
I thought, seeing as I have been reaching for these products as of late and have been loving the minimal result, that I'd share my current make-up routine of the moment with you. Maybelliene Dream Satin Liquid This is a fairly new purchase to me (from a recommendation) and I love it! It covers how I like (medium) the finish is a Satin Finish,...